Moniz is a modern creative multipurpose web design agency WordPress Theme. Which fits for all agencies whether you are a web agency, freelancer, web design company.

General Questions

Why we have to require a contract?

It will be depend on the scope of the project. There are many upper end sites will have a contract to connect with them so that everyone have clear the scope of the project. Our express package doesn’t require a contract at all. For that we want you to be satisfied. If you are to know about anything at all just let us know the answer and we will work together toward.

Who owns the website if we do not want to keep using your service?

Whatever content you have put on your site belongs to you. Any graphics or layouts that we have designed for you must be under our maintenance services for 2 years. After 2 years have passed, you can take your design and the graphics on your site, but any components that we have working on your site cannot be moved. We cannot allow our competitors to get any of our components, as we have paid to have them developed. It would be too easy for someone to use us and our service, only to take the site and leave afterwards. We must have a way to protect ourselves from this.

How to know the difference between a premade design and a custom design?

We will provide you two types of website design. The difference is between premade design and custom design only shows in the setup price. You can see our pricing list here. Pricing: We charge the monthly maintenance is the same for both and will just vary by the package choice. Process: When we setting up a custom site at that time you have to pay 50% of the payment advance and then you will start to work with one of our graphic designers. If you are agree to your new custom design, you will then pay another 25% of amount for the setup in a second installment. We will take your custom design and code into a live site and connect all of the components into your site and database. We will help you to get your content in and then, when the site goes live, you will owe your last setup installment fees and your first month’s maintenance charges also. When using an advanced theme without customization you have to pay 100% (at least $500) upfront and then when the site goes live you will begin your maintenance/support/hosting payments etc. When we using our express option you will get at least 14 days free trial also. Before the 14 days is up you will need to put credit card information into your account so that your site will not taken down. There are no strings attached. You have to pay per month payment. As long as you pay your site will be live.

Why you have to pay maintenance charge?

We charge maintenance fee is not just for hosting. We build our sites in a powerful content management system that means that when server software is upgraded, issues can occur behind the scenes where coding and such may need to be updated as well as. We also manage any updates and backups without you having to worry about anything. Our each package comes with an unlimited technical support.

How much time it will take for posting the payment for having a live site?

It is depend on many variables. For a custom site, it’s generally takes about 5 weeks, but for a premade site, it’s generally takes about 1 to 2 weeks.

What are the Multi Campus Churches?

There are many churches that are moving to the multi-campus model of ministry. Our all designs can support this model of ministry. From a custom design to even one of our premade templates we can take care of your multi-campus church.


Why you have to charge a setup fees?

Our all sites involve many hours of customization. We are not doing that kind of work without being paid for it. Anyone who gives you a Website for free is either giving you a cookie cutter site that is being split out by a computer program or is spelling out the death of their business, as they will not be in business for long. Our custom site takes between 70 and 100 hours to build, while a premade site can take up to 20 hours or so to customize and implement also. Our prices are very reasonable and good.

Can we host the website somewhere else?

No, our sites are not just planed brochure type sites, and there is lot of functionality going on behind the scenes on the site which visitor is seeing. Our servers are top of the lines that are optimized for our systems and components. There are no ways for us to keep quality control or copyrights on our components without having control of the site ourselves.

Can I upgrade to a different pricing package?

Yes, you can upgrade at anytime. You will have to pay the difference in the setup fee between the package you currently have and the package you want to upgrade to, and then your monthly maintenance fee will increase accordingly the following month.

What are the things including in my monthly maintenance fees?

The fee will be cover with unlimited technical support and use of our fix components, as well as our content management system. We will provide you the unlimited training as well as and Of course, each package comes with a domain name and hosting on a monthly basis.

Does do you offer any kind of refund?

Our setup fee is non-refundable, as we have already put our time into the site. Therefore, we do guarantee for the sites, so our promise to you is that we will work with you, as we guide each other to a final product. Our monthly fees can be cancelled at any time, but no refunds will be given since services are already rendered at the time of payment. If you are paying annually there will be no refund given for the payment made.

Domains & Hosting

What happen if we do not have a domain name?

Suppose if you do not have a domain name, we will pay for the domain for you. We will reserve such domains like (.com, .net, or .org) for you, if you let us know which name you want. You can check a few registrars at anytime to find your desired domain name. We recommend you, as that is our wholesale registrar. Please do not register the domain, just check to be sure that it is available. Then you can fill it out on your order form.

What happen if we have already a domain?

That’s nice… in this we will need your registrar name, username, and password. We can login and redirect your domain to the servers. We will do all of the work for you.

What kinds of servers do you using?

We are using the servers are the top of the line Cloud servers with Raid technology and 16+ gigs of RAM memory per server. These are many mega servers in every way. We have to pay extra for top of the line servers so that our customer sites always perform with their maximum potential.

Does we get FTP details or CMS control panel?

Yes, we will give you the access to your CMS control panel, as well as your FTP server also, if you need it.


How many email addresses do you provide?

This thing will depend on your package. Our premier and premier commerce packages come with unlimited email addresses. Please note one more thing that the email addresses are for your church staff not for the congregation.

Does we access our mail on online?

Yes, when your site goes live we will inform you that how to access your Webmail online from any browser location.

Can I use my email program with my new email addresses?

Yes sure, you can synchronize your new email address with your favorite program.

Does can I transfer my email addresses while I switch to your service?

Yes you can, when the site goes live, you can transfer any emails you have setup on your domain name. Suppose if you have any questions, we will help you through the process also.

How many mails I can send?

Here the servers are set to allow a whopping 500 emails per hour per domain. This means that you can send up to 500 emails an hour without any limitations. Any emails within the hour that are sent over the 500 quota will not be delivered.

CMS – Website Manager

What is a CMS?

A CMS, or website manager as we can call it, this is technically stands for Content Management System. Our sites are built in a database and are dynamic. The CMS is the manager, or administrator, that helps you to manage that content from any internet connection. It is what allows you to manage your site without having to know a bunch of HTML or having to own a bunch of different kinds of software packages.

What is the process of the training do you provide us or else?

The training is a something that varies from user to user. We are generally to give you phone training through a web conferencing software, so that you can actually see our screen while we explain to you the thinking behind our system. This training is generally takes 30 to 60 minutes. However, 80% of what you will need to do, like changing a page or uploading an event or sermon etc. can be learned in 5 minutes. We will offer you unlimited technical support with your monthly maintenance, so you can never have to worry about being alone with your Website. We are always here for you when you need us.

How user can access this does user edit it easily?

Sure, you can make as many user groups and access levels as you want in any sites built in 2012 or later. Each one of these groups can be given access to edit or access only certain pages. For any sites to built before 2012 there are still 4 user access levels and group rights that can be assigned to certain documents as well as the author level also edit only specific pages. In other words “Yes” you can!

Does we can you update my custom design later?

We can offer you for re-design service to all of our existing customers. All of your details will move over without having to reformat all of your content. The cost for a custom re-design is given in price list, the cost will be the half of our most popular Premier Package. You can also move to a different premade design regardless of package.

What will be happen if i forget how to do something after my initial training?

No worries about that! We will train you again if needed. We will also offer video tutorials in your Website administrator that you can watch that will show and you can easily do step-by-step how to do some of the most popular things in your CMS. We are there for you. So, again… NO WORRIES!

Freqeuntly asked questions

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